Assessments & Surveys

Some areas where employee assessments can provide great insights include:

  • Staffing & Selection
  • Employee Engagement
  • Leadership & Employee Development
  • Career Planning & Career Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Teambuilding & Team Dynamics
  • Talent Management
  • Targeted Learning & Development

Our certified practitioners can administer Lumina Spark, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®), and DISC® Assessments to

  • Improve your business by using personality insights to enhance recruitment processes, group dynamics, communication and decision making, reduce conflict and develop leadership potential.
  • Maximize team performance by understanding the differences between people and their diverse approaches to working together.
  • Boost self-awareness to identify strengths, blind spots and areas for individual, leadership and career development.

We can also help you design and administer Employee Engagement Surveys to measure your employees’ engagement levels. Engaged employees:

  • consistently speak positively about the company to coworkers, potential employees and customers,
  • have a strong desire to remain in the organization despite opportunities to work elsewhere, and
  • exert extra time, effort and initiative to contribute to the success of your business.

Depending on your unique circumstances, the survey could be conducted anonymously using a tailor-made computer-based survey, or an assessment can be completed through focus groups and confidential interviewing.  Irrespective of the survey method, we will analyze and report your survey data, and make recommendations on solutions targeting specific areas identified in your survey that you might want to implement to shift your workforce.  We can also help you develop an implementation strategy and offer follow-up support to help ensure your initiatives are implemented effectively.

Contact us to learn more.